Writing Virus.

Can AI-supported Writing Applications Be Creative? 

Clones, Chat GPT, Plagiarism, AI writing Tool,

Phil Shaw On Unsplash

The mushrooming of various AI (Artificial Intelligence) applications has given some writers worrisome thoughts. I'd say don't. And I have my rationale based on more than one logical reasoning. 

The initial intent of all these platforms/applications was to support a particular segment of people that were the yellow hat workers, but for the advancement in technology, and now needed to write emails. The second segment was the weirdly crazy marketers who found it difficult to express their thoughts in their sales letters. Soon many blue-collared folks found these tools beneficial, and the use spread. 

Suddenly these writing support applications were marketed as creative writing and anti-plagiarism apps. What we have are not even hybrids; they are differently packaged products. 

To me, the abbreviation AI is a misnomer. Intelligence is to create something that solves a given issue. No computing device limited to counting, comparing, and computing can create anything. Algorithms written by humans bind it. Just that now the Algo's courtesy the enhanced efficiency of the chip compares a much more extensive database available on the internet in seconds and can throw up multiple results instantly. So the creation of new creative content isn't possible. 

Accepting paraphrasing as plagiarism-free content on the internet will suffocate readers. As most writers adapt to using the AI writing virus, it is not long before we are all void of new content. Readers shall be walking through content that conveys the same sentiment. It will not be very different from the cloned soldiers of fiction movies. Original thoughts and writers may find fighting this digitally cloned content challenging, but not for long. 

The rise of informed users shall soon flush out these repetitive paraphrased thoughts. 

Jawahar Dhawan

Why Pigeonhole my writing to a genre when life’s chapters have many learning and hues.

Yap Cafe : Read | Write & Earn
Yap Cafe : Read | Write & Earn