When I point the finger at the moon, then look at the moon and not the finger."" Similarly, don't look at my writing. Look at the message I have to convey. I will make grammatical, spelling, punctuation and other mistakes. Still, the message gives you a point to appreciate, think, make a difference, and then forget mistakes. Appreciate, cherish and absorb the message only if It is loud and clear.
As a participating member of any writing club or online line meeting club, or online writer group, or creative writing group, the writing community has one, only one objective to bring a change—a positive difference in the thought process of its readers. If I can achieve this, it's only then I have the right to be called a writer.
While my interest may be to get my revenue share for the sale of my premium writing published and sold on a platform. However, as a member of this revenue share writing club and the platform, I also must provide value to the reader.
However, I have to ensure I follow some basic writing rules such as
It adds lightness to the writing, making it punchy. Vocabulary is good for expression and thus is very important, but using fancy official and complex language or words makes you seem pretentious.
All start stripping out fancy language and excess fat from your prose. The writing becomes more sophisticated. Express complex thought in the simplest possible way. Is like losing extra buddy facts and looking gorgeous.
Use as few words as possible.
Uncomplicated your ideas without losing the impact or essence of the concept.
Make your writing crisp, Sharp and focused, making it easy to understand. I am expressing things clearly in a straightforward way that reasonably intelligent human beings can understand.
Write an in order so as it flows well. Don't write as you think; thoughts are like a monkey jumping from a tree to another. Capture points, frame them in a sentence and Give the sentence a rhythm. Give sentence structure. If a sentence has two ideas, try and split it and see if the Ruthin improves and the meaning gets better.
It makes the writing engaging and captivating, making it stimulating.
Use stimulating words - Imagery.
Use active sentence; the passive sentence is where the subject feels he is acted upon rather than the actor in the sentence.
Be a responsible writer that pays writers revenue share for with fiction. Fiction is a nomenclature. The reference is to all genres. Ensure that your reading habit encapsulates the above four points as well.
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