WordPress is it really recommended?

A CMS with Security Risks...

wordpress préférence blog website popular recommended Insecurity vulnerability  hacking

Fikret Tozak Unsplash


Initially, WordPress use to be a platform of choice for blogging websites. The basic functionalities of WordPress are conducive and user-friendly for adding new posts, sharing them via social media, and creating static pages.

WordPress today captures a 39.6% market with a 13% year on a year growth trend, powering 40% of the Internet. However, is WordPress a sufficiently reliable option for your Dream Business website?


Insecurity and vulnerability to hacking

Being the most popular WordPress is susceptible to being the target of hackers' and spammers' attacks. Even downloading reliable security plugins aren't sufficient to protect your website from security hacks and malicious activities.

  • Backdoors
  • Drive-by downloads
  • Pharma hacks
  • Malicious redirects
  • forms spamming

Suppose your website is a web platform with thousands of users. In that case, security is of vital importance because any vulnerability can affect the users and negatively impact your credibility. Considering the security issues, developing a web portal based on WP is quite risky.


Slow page speed

Due to several factors, WordPress remains a very slow platform. The page load speed is pulled down with additional processes running, which is contributed by heavyweight plugins, crowded databases, and a frustrating codebase. What else can slow down the WP website? Huge and heavy images, not optimized for SEO, unreliable hosting, heavy themes, not optimized homepages, unreliable CDN, and many other factors can make your website extra slow.

At the same time, page speed is a crucial factor for both user experience and SEO ranking. Modern users hate slow websites and don't wait more than 2 seconds for the page to load. Meanwhile, Google and other search engines rank websites accordingly to their speed.


Hard to scale

There are, of course, large WordPress sites that handle a great amount of traffic, but making this possible requires a lot of effort and money. In particular, you'll need to hire a WordPress expert who can set up the environment and do the rest of the work, so it may even cost you almost as much as the custom web development.

On top of that, there is no guarantee that if you invest in a scalable WordPress website, you'll receive the results that satisfy your needs. In addition, the user experience that such a website delivers maybe not be so great either. So if you envision your business growing, WordPress is definitely not the best choice.


It is not cost-effective.

Although many people still tend to use WordPress for their business websites and consider it is quite easy and understandable. In fact, WordPress is loosely designed, which provokes numerous breaks of plugins and technology in general. What does that mean? Only that you will have to spend an additional $300 or even up to $3000 on developers services. The specialist will perform various checks to ensure that everything on your website works well and all plugins function without any compatibility issues.


Such an approach is absolutely ineffective for small businesses which need to invest more in their brand awareness (advertising and promotion services) and not in constant tech takes services to keep their website running smoothly. So if your business has revenue of less than $200,000 per year, you do not need to spend time, money, and effort on building the website on WordPress.



WordPress CMS is a top-rated platform due to its simplicity and is a perfect solution for blogs and simple company websites. But if you want to develop a powerful, secure, and functional web platform, look at the list of WordPress pitfalls and think twice.

Instead of spending extra time, money, and your nerves on fixing the WordPress-based website, hire a professional team of developers who will surely create the website of your dream.



Abhishek Singhal

A technical person with a creative vision. I love to read, write and eat. Stay tune good to read.

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