When Dreams Break

The Painful Journey Of Helplessness

Dreams emotional life

Jr Korpa Unsplash

It's when dreams break, but life hangs on. 

One feels like the wildebeest who desperately tries to get her undernourished newborn on his feet. She tries every possible way to nudge the little one to its feet, but at last, she has to leave him to the unforgiving Serengeti, knowing very well that he shall soon be consumed. She stops Time and again in hope but ultimately joins the emotionless and unconcerned moving herd. 

She alienates herself to the periphery of the herd. No longer scared of the hungry eyes in the grass. She just moves on, knowing that survival is a pain that she needs to endure. Disillusioned and lifelessly, she lugs along. 

Even though her contribution is understood but undermined by the herd, she is more than compromised to her position as bait to save the more desirable ones in the ranking order. It's then she surrenders and gives up. Now no emotion, no word, and no action affect her. She walks to the end. Lachrymose to a kind word from any pure soul. 

Hungry jaws at the Mara river seem to have no pity on her as she slowly wades through the gushing waters. The migration one more Time brings her back to the spot where she had started her painful journey. She patiently waits. 

Life can be equally unforgiving for those who lose or barter their dream and pride at the hands of fate. Life then turns out to be an endless wait of the unknown. 

Jawahar Dhawan

Why Pigeonhole my writing to a genre when life’s chapters have many learning and hues.

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