Simple Ways of Remembering Anything

Learn, retain and Recall.

Despite the technological advancements in learning such as virtual meetings and study classrooms and knowledge from television, cell phones, and Social media, traditional reading is still an important skill. Whether it is school textbooks, magazines, or regular books, people always read, though not as much as they used to. One reason that many people don’t read much is that they don’t read well. It is slow, hard work, and they don’t remember as much as they should. For example, students may have to read something several times before they understand and remember what they read.

Success is not a much as whom you know but is definitely about what you know and how you used it. Thus, gaining knowledge is a continuous process, mostly acquired in discussions or reading.  It becomes difficult with the large and constant flow of information to remember things. 

In his book “How to win friends and Influence People”, Dail Carnegie had highlighted the importance of remembering things way back in 1936 with the first publication of this book. Over the years, many literary and physiologists have researched the subject to help people remember what they learn and read. 

Some simple ones which I have adapted and worked for me are here for your benefit. 

Forgetting names is a common one; this not only created embarrassment but could be a very dull moment of truth,” a moment when either of the party subconsciously decides to do or not to do business with you, for a small action involuntarily made by you.” Recall instances in your life when you had no justification for refusing a deal, but you did, or when you have agreed to all your customer wants and still didn't get the order. 

Remembering Names: the technique is to repeat the name at introduction loudly while looking at the person right in the eyes and take that extra three or more seconds before moving your eyes away from the face, repeating the name at least twice internally. If it's someone significant, attach the purpose and a known relationship to the front. 

Remembering the text you are reading is equally important. Use either of these, what purpose is information solving and for whom. Test yourself for every additional information you get. The eighty twenty principles us to be applied if you are hard-pressed in time. Scan the full article mining your eyes rapidly across each line picking up three to four words. Usually, eighty per cent of the information is in only twenty per cent of the text. Highlight the important ones and later go back and put the acquired to the why what for whom grind.

Meeting or study material absorption technique is to make notes in the form of bullets with actionable. Once done, even if not needed to email the contents to the meeting participants stating this is what I understood should you wish to add more or have a different observation, please revert. I case the circumstance do not permit and email exchange, then during the meeting, read the points from your notes and gain a common understanding of the facts. 

Remembering verbal, study or collaboratively agreed information is to relate it do something that you have experienced in your life. You can be sure that you shall never forget the learning if adapted this way.

Jawahar Dhawan

Why Pigeonhole my writing to a genre when life’s chapters have many learning and hues.

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