Seven Habits Of Highly Insecure People.

Acceptance, Respect, and Recognition are natural desires.

Habits Of Insecure People. Mental Health is more critical than physical health. Acceptance, Respect, and Recognition are natural desires.

Syarafina Yusof on Unsplash


Any unrealistic expectation for acceptance, respect, and recognition can lead to insecurities that can be very difficult to handle in some cases. Especially when someone has a Perennial Aspiration of Being Perpetually Illustrious. 

Such insecure people are vulnerable to instability that threatens their self-image or ego. Forcing them to display many unsocial traits, these seven are the most common as per observation. 

1. They are Highly Gullible 

Insecure individuals weave a web of self-pity of half-true events. They love to share their misfortunes with just about anyone. Just to get the satisfaction of glorifying them as the victims. With the hope that they will get all the attention and appreciation. 

This directly or indirectly puts their near and dear ones in poor light. They are so self-possessed with their mental dishonesty that they are blinded to the future consequences their action might have on them or others. 

2. They Indulge Hate-Speech

The insecure lot love bad-mouthing about people. They misconstrue the actions of others, spicing them up and passionately narrating it—all in the expectation of acceptance and admiration. 

3. They Are Self-obsession

They glorify their factual, intended, or imaginative achievements, with near superhero effects. Only to get that extra admiration and awe from people. They never get tired of blabbering about it so convincingly to anyone, even strangers. They just have a lot of "Me" in them. 

4. They Can't Say No 

The start of the vicious circle. An action is a pedestal to appreciation and recognition. So for the love, attention and acceptance, these individuals can't say "NO" to anything. 

Irrespective of how horrible they might feel about doing what they are asked to, these insecure individuals do it diligently. And in return, when they don't get that extra pampering, recognition, and attention in return, they are bewildered, heartbroken, and full of venom. 

5. They Keep Seeking Seeking Reassurances

People who consistently use others to feel better never learn how to feel better themselves. This is the root cause of the entire like me, celebrate me, game. 

They constantly look at others to keep encouraging them with words and actions. Lack of which can send them into s tailspin of remorse, leading to hate speech and aggression. 

6. They Are Excessively Positive 

It's their obsession to praise that makes them excessively optimistic. These guys wear no masks. They are in their world of accomplishment. If anyone can do it, so can they, and if anyone can't do it, they must have a go at it. 

Surprisingly, they sometimes succeed at challenging tasks because they think they have to prove themselves every time to gain that extra recognition, appreciation, love and affection. Lack of which...

7. They Have A Passive Aggression

These individuals seldom display anger. However, they can uncontrollably get into a verbal discharge if provoked, like putting them on a pedestal for any of their actions or ridiculing their work. In rare cases, insecure people react aggressively to not being their due. However, they shall resort to hate speech and gullibility in both cases. 

Mental health is much more critical than physical wellness. 

Jawahar Dhawan

Why Pigeonhole my writing to a genre when life’s chapters have many learning and hues.

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