Nothing Succeeds as Success

Effort are not an alternative to Success

In my long career spanning many decades and industries, Once I had a boss, who in our vascular language used to narrate a little fable to any team member who  said:" I tried but." And our boss used to go," Ahh, so you tried" now, let me share a small story with you." Once there was a mutiny in the jungle, all the animals decided that the loin would no longer be the king of the jungle". So post a rigorous selection process, they appointed the Monkey as the king. One day, a rabbit came running to the new king and said the" Oh! king, the lion is coming to eat me, please save me." hearing this, the Monkey immediately started jumping from one tree to another. The rabbit kept looking at the Monkey for some time sitting on the forest floor, and then said," king, please do something" Now the Monkey said to the rabbit", look, I am putting in all the effort I can. Balance is your fate." So the Monkey tried, but the loin ate the rabbit." 

It was all good till the sarcasm was intended for someone else. Then one day, I was the target. While I had heard the fable many times before, however on that day, it didn't seem funny at all. It was most humiliating to realise that all my effort can't be measured or monetised. The biggest one that dawned on me that day was nothing "succeeds like success".

Life is to succeed, and you must succeed at any cost. 

And the second efforts are the road and not an alternative to success. So my quest ever since has been to find how all efforts can yield results.

Jawahar Dhawan

Why Pigeonhole my writing to a genre when life’s chapters have many learning and hues.

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