Make Money Writing Short Articles

Yes you can , all you have to do is to just Strat

Photo Courtesy Unsplash

I'll be honest, I was pretty scared or writing and had this phobia of my grammar and spellings always messing up, they still do. One of the most compelling reasons was my innate physiological sense of rush. My thought runs faster than my fingers would type or write. I do not know, but I guess I had imposed this sense of urgency on me, which was becoming my biggest enemy.

Now I am driven by a higher power to create something, which adds to my identity, and this needed writing my thoughts. I was constantly hounded by
• What should I write?
• How long should it be?
• What if I get adverse comments?
• What if I don't have a single person to read what I have written?
• Should I spend money to train my self to be a writer?
For all the questions stopping you from writing, there is only one correct answer, an answer that we all know, and it takes the world to accept and execute it, and that is …

Write that Article.
If you have a story to tell, a compelling thought that you feel so strongly about, and are willing to advocating it, at any cost. You have it in you, all you have do is just wright. Forget the writing rules; a team does not judge you from the editors of big magazines or newspapers. Foe minute even if you are, how does it matter until your content is reasonably engaging for people to read and talk about it. Then if your language is not in line with Shakespeare's writing style, how does it matter? What matters is the content; presented with Simplicity, Clarity, and your unique style of writing.

When writing for readers, some of us suddenly take it onto ourselves to use the most complicated words, phrases and quotes. I have seen many of my friends, use the thesauruses/synonyms, for every word in their sentences, to use a "words" seemingly oozes power of the language. The poor reader lands up doing mental gymnastics to make some sense of such articles. Use simplicity to add lightness to your writing. Lead the reader to an enjoyable journey where he relishes every message easily as you intended to deliver it. Give your reader value for his money. Adding lightness makes your writing lean and mean, plus making it punchy. An excellent article is one in which the reader effortlessly follows with your thoughts, feeling satisfied and refreshed at the end of your essay.

All you need is stripping out the fancy language and the excess fat from your prose. Thus the writing becomes more sophisticated, and even complex thought can be expressed in the simplest possible way.

It is essential for you to write, crisp articles that are sharp and focused, making it easy for the reader to understand. Expressing things clearly in a straight forward way that a reasonably intelligent human being can understand. Avoid curly sentence, which makes the reader read them more than once to understand the essence of the message being conveyed. Please shun jargons; I have seen the use of idioms can mess up the entire message.

Prevent ambiguity; usually, writers in their stride omit to explain critical details of their perspective. It's not by design but more because they are so self-absorbed in the message they wish to convey that they take the readers for granted of their innate understanding. They probably think that the reader is on the same page as they are.

It's best that once an article is written, the writer sleeps over it for a day and then proofreads it from a reader's perspective.

One crucial point is the use of punctuation. Consider this, "Goats cheese salad ingredients: lettuce, tomato, goats, cheese". A hilarious comma mistake has made the dish less vegetarian than it was intended to be. Thus be very careful with your punctuation.

Each writer, after some time, develops a style. A writer's form can be compared to the human voice, each one is unique, and a specific type of audience responds to each voice. This audience gets hooked on to that style and love to read anything from that author. This style makes writers people famous other than that their content is also comparably good enough to deliver value repeatedly.


Please have a great thought: write, write with passion and clarity, something that readers find easy to comprehend, appreciate and are pleased to pay for. Gaurenteeded, you shall gain ground as you progress; the most difficult step is to start. 

Jawahar Dhawan

Why Pigeonhole my writing to a genre when life’s chapters have many learning and hues.

Yap Cafe : Read | Write & Earn
Yap Cafe : Read | Write & Earn