King Cyrus

Mythical story of a Brave King and the Woodcutter

Photo Courtesy Unsplash

Many years ago, in the land of the savages and bandits lived a King; he was known as King Cyrus; he was known for his strength, compassion, and undivided dedication to serve his people. His people thus loved him very much and sang songs in his parses. Obviously, he was envied by all the neighbouring kingdom Kings. Little could they do as they knew they could not defeat King Cyrus's in battle. So they all conspired against King Cyrus along with the Great Bandits who lived in the Mountains. The Great Bandit was a large group of fierce merciless powerful men, who were heartless and loved to kill for the thrill of killing. Thus, the new alliance between various Kings and the Bandits named themselves "the Rebels".

The Rebels waged war on King Cyrus. It was a tough war for King Cyrus, as the Rebels outnumbered and outweighed King Cyrus's army. Soon King Cyrus instructed his army to scatter in small groups and flea into the Jungle. Every man to himself said King Cyrus as he himself fled, running through the woods and swamps; nearly a day later, King Cyrus came upon a hut in the clearing of the woods. This was the woodcutter's hut; King Cyrus knocked on the door and was greeted by a woman, the woodcutter's wife. King Cyrus was exhausted and hungry, and he begged the women to give him food and shelter. Not recognising its was King Cyrus, the women still felt pity upon this man who seemed so tired and hungry.

She was cooking some broth in a large pot for supper, which needed to be steered every now to prevent it from sticking to the base and getting burnt. She welcomed King Cyrus in and asked him to steer the broth while she would milk the cows. Once she is back, she shall serve supper, and he can rest for the night in their hut. King Cyrus readily accepted and started Steering the broth. King Cyrus soon was lost in his thoughts of getting his men together and how he can reclaim his land and fame, and these thoughts he stopped steering the broth. He was busy making plans in his mind. In a little while, the woman came back. The broth had simmered to a black layer at the bottom of the pot.  Oh, how angry. She was, "your lazy fellow, she cried. See what you have done". "You want something to eat, but you do not want to work for it". "No, sleep hungry, and because of you, we all will also have to sleep hungry", she was so angry that she clenched her fists at King Cyrus. While King Cyrus was amused for being scolded this way, he felt sorry for what he had done. He begged sorry for the women, saying that he had gone to sleep since he was so tired. That night not only King Cyrus but the woodcutter family went to bed without supper.

King Cyrus had to lie hidden in the woodcutter's hut for a long time. He helped the woodcutter and his family in their daily chores and kept thinking about how he would get back to his kingdom. One day, a holy spirit dressed as a beggar came and immediately recognised King Cyrus and bowed on his keens to pay his respects to the King.

The woodcutter and his wife were shocked that they had been hosting King Cyrus himself and ashamed that they were asking him to work with them as a normal man. The King requested the woodcutter and his wife to help the hungry beggar. Though they had very little, whatever they had, they gave the beggar half of it. Beggar left satisfied with what he had got. That night  King Cyrus and the beggar sat down discussing options; soon, the beggar stood up and said to King Cyrus, "Rise early in the morning and blow your horn three times so loudly that the Rebels may hear it, make sure it is done by nine o'clock. Many men will be around you hearing your horn, ready to be led by you into battle. Go forth bravely, and within seven days, you shall reclaim your Empire and honour." Then as if like smoke, the beggar diapered.

As told, King Cyrus arose early the next morning and crossed over to the mainland. Then he blew his horn three times loudly, Loud enough to make the earth under hisfeetd quiver.  All his brave men hiding in the forest, and others heard the sound and knew it was Kind Cyrus. Immediately King Cyrus was joined by old and new brave men, and in seven days, King Cyrus was again on his throne. 

In his court, he called all his generals and the woodcutter, and he shared the story of the woodcutter had helped him and how the beggar let him to this victory. King Cyrus invited the woodcutter to be his forest minister. King Cyrus ruled wisely and well over all his people for the rest of his days.


© Jawahar Dhawan 

Jawahar Dhawan

Why Pigeonhole my writing to a genre when life’s chapters have many learning and hues.

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