The Mice and the Weasels 

Greatness carries its penalties. 

Photo Courtesy Unsplash

There was war between the mice and the weasels. The mice always got defeated, and a number of them were killed and eaten by the weasels. 

So they called a council of war, in which an old mouse got up and said, "It's no wonder that we are always defeated, as we have no generals to plan our battles and direct our movements in the field." 

Acting on his advice, the mice chose the giant mice to be their leaders, and these, to distinguish them from the rank and file, the generals were given helmets bearing large plumes of straw. 

The generals led the Mice to battle, confident of victory; but they were defeated as usual and were soon scampering as fast as possible to their holes. 

All made their way to safety without any difficulty, except the generals. They were so hampered by their helmets and plumes of straw that they could not get into their holes and fell easy victims to their pursuers. 

Moral: Greatness carries its penalties. 



Stories Retold:- Original Source:- The Aesop Fables 

Jawahar Dhawan

Why Pigeonhole my writing to a genre when life’s chapters have many learning and hues.

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