Jupiter Transits In Aquarius 2021

Read Its Effect On All Other Planters

Himani Goyal

Jupiter is the planet of Wisdom, Knowledge and Success. It is transiting on 6th April'2021 in Aquarius, the 11th Zodiac sign. It will be there till April 2022. In between, it will be moving back to Capricorn in September and stay till November 21st 2021. 

1. Aries:  This transit is highly successful and profitable. You will have good luck and more money—a healthy period.

2. Taurus:  These people will face problems at work. But your family and love life will be good. You will suffer a bit financially, so take precautionary measures.

3. Gemini: You will have financial gains during the transit. Good family life. In fact, if you have marriage related issues, They will be solved. 

4. Cancer: You will learn Spirituality. Your family health may worsen, and your finances will also decrease. , Your married life will face some issues but overall a good love life.

5. Leo:  Your love life will be good. You might propose to your partner for marriage. Your finances will also be good. Your decision will be good, and you will have a profitable income.

6. Virgo: For Virgo, this transit may affect your health but good for your career and finances. There might be problems with your love life and partner. 

7. Libra: It is good in terms of love, life and Money. Your financial conditions will also improve. But during Jupiter transit in Capricorn, you might face health problems, but after November'2021, your period will be good for finances, love and health. 

8. Scorpio: Good fortune personally and professionally. Avoid family disputes, and health problem in the family may arise. Happy work life. There might be travel in your chart.

9. Sagittarius: Health problems in your family. It would be best if you put hard work into your career for financial gains. Meditate and have a peaceful mindset. You will get opportunities to earn more, but you have to utilize them efficiently

10. Capricorn: A better period than last month. There will be happiness in your family. You might find true love. You might earn a good income. Your decision might be profitable, and you might impress your client.

11. Aquarius: Your marriage life or love life would be good. You will attain good financial gains. Your expenses may increase significantly, so take care of them. After November'2021, you might find the love of your life. 

12. Pisces: Your expenditure may increase a bit, so don't spend too much. It is a great time personally and professionally. There may be obstacles in your path, but you have the courage to face them. You will have a good career and financial life. Your love life will improve. 

Just have faith and Pray to god for positivity and good life.  

Himani Goyal

Hi I am Himani Goyal. I am an Astrologer, Tarot reader, Motivational Speaker and Numerologist.

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