Yap Cafe™ is a user-generated, revenue-sharing digital publishing platform, providing its readers entertaining, educative, and dynamic viewpoints from experts and undiscovered voices on various topics.
Yap Cafe publish both free and Premium Content; readers can access equally priced premium articles by recharging their account with bite-sized based on their appetite and budget. Each recharge plan provides the member with a predefined number of Premium articles that he can consume in a specified period. The Premium article writer is entitled to his predefined share of the revenue for every premium article purchase.
Yap Cafe™️ is available on App and Play store apart from the hosted platform on the Web.
We strongly recommend the following for an article to be noticed and consumed on the Yap Cafe Platform.
- Have an Amazing Headline
- Captivating Image
- Enticing intro
- Sub- Heading
- The Right Category
- Engaging Content
- Subheading
- Engaging Content
- Banging Conclusion
Amazing Headline
The title is the first thing that readers will probably see, so you must make it clear and interesting.
Enticing intro
An attention-grabbing Introduction entices the reader to click and read your post.
It also sets the reader's expectation as to what the article shall deliver to him, a solution, suggestion, guidelines, experience, story, fiction, report, slice from history.
Basis your delivery, carefully select your genre/ category. Your article can be a part of multiple categories. Like Technology and learning can be together, so can Psychology and Relationships, and so on.
Engaging Content
If you have ever hammered a nail, then probably you shall relate with this; the introduction is that first blow when the nail that gets it stuck at the precise point you expect it. So if your first of the article is engaging half, your battle is won. All you now need to do is keep the tempo and navigate the content to satisfy the readers.
So, introduce your topic to your reader so that they get hooked on it and wish your article never ends. Continuously keeping the reader engaged is essential.
Using complex words can be a deterrent to many readers, so keep it simple short and crisp but stylish. That is your hook that the reader shall keep coming back to you again and again to read more of your Content.
Style should not overshadow the contents relatability. For simplicity, keep your sentences short; elegance is conveyed in short easy to read sentences. Your content should be good for a tenth-grade student to comprehend.
While writing, keep the following in mind
- Simplicity,
- Clarity,
- Elegance,
- Evocativeness.
Now is the time to deliver your promise.
Make sure that you break each thought into a paragraph with headings. Make sure that each of your paragraphs is self-sufficient to deliver a single message and is not stepping on the toes of the previous or preceding paragraph.
Write and write well, let it flow naturally, be mindful of not losing track of tense, pronouns, adjectives and spellings. Suggest using an online proofreading tool; many are available both free and paid.
Execution (The How too.)
Writers Personal Information
- Register as a writer on Yap Cafe™
- Furnish your details accurately; they shall not be disclosed to anyone unless sought by the law.
- Select your Pen Name - To be published with each article.
- Have your photograph or image so that your readers recognise you instantly
- Fill in your Bio that You wish your readers to read at the end of each article.
- Bank information is mandatory if you intend to publish Premium articles so that Yap Cafe™ can remit your share to you. You can update your bank details anytime you want; however, before submitting a paid / premium article is mandatory.
- Agree to the Terms and Conditions of the Platform (Read all the provisions mentioned on the platform, specifically the writer revenue share and the content selection criteria)
How to write or Publish an Article.
- Your Yap Cafe™ Login details work across platforms concurrently.
- Writing and submitting an article on mobile is possible in the Android App; the mobile iOS App on the App Store is only a Reader and thus doesn't have the functionality to write or recharge.
- We recommend using the platform from any web browser; as mentioned, your Login details don't change.
- Click submit a story icon on the browser, which navigates you to the submit a story page if you are a registered writer with Yap Cafe™; if not, it leads you to the writer registration page, followed by the "Submit a Story page."
- The Submit a Story Page is easy to navigate, and all fields are mandatory
- Title ( Article Heading)
- Sub Title (Your Article's Intrest Statement)
- Catagory ( You may Select more than One)
- Read Time (Conservatively, the reading speed is around160 words per minute)
- Article Type (Free or Paid - in case you choose Paid and have not shared your bank details, the platform shall not accept the article)
- Your Content (This Section provides a basic writing Toolbar)
- Image ( HORIZONTAL only less than 1MB or less, please)
- Credits to the Image creator, please - mandatory.
Key Hygiene Points
- Keep the article length as healthy, anything between 1000 to 3000 words, a 5 min to 20 min read. We are publishing snort reads here where people during a journey or break can start and finish.
- Proofread like crazy; no doubt your first draft is going to be ugly and crappy like hell, but it's got Content, Proofread and proofread till you polish it to a glass finish.
- Give credit to the original creator, Images, quotes, examples etc.
- Bold your heading and subheading, Bold text in a paragraph only if you find that those words stand out and are nailing the meaning of the contents of the paragraph.
What After Submission
- Your article is published post the Yap Cafe™ team finds it compliant with the content selection criteria.
- Get a Topic, think about it, research, research till you are the topic.
- Now type, type and type from your heart.
- Drop the writing, find an image,
- Decide and write the heading and subheading of the Content.
- Write the intro well.
- Proofread your Content and polish it to perfection, do an all-around check of your content, grammar, spelling, punctuations, tense etc. Use online tools to check your grammar, punctuation and spelling.
- Register as a writer on Yap Cafe™
- Got to the Submit a Story Page, follow the format, populate and submit
- Yap Cafe™ shall publish it post content compliance