10 Things One Should Never Do

Productivity Habits that Hack Happiness

Ryland Dean On Unsplash

Life's essence is to be happy. No book, no religion or no master preaches that one has to live in misery.

Every day consciously or subconsciously, we make a decision that Could Be Destroying our Happiness. Bad habits are a significant part of this gamut, and unlike our perception, they work quite contrary to our belief. Bad habits are infectious and pig-headedly gummed into our lives. It often takes a lifetime to do away from a bad habit, by the end of which both our body and will are so frail that they seem to crumble at the slightest whisper of the wind. While these habits consume us, we are slaves to this incredible monster. Feeding it takes away all our time and energy. Being busy is happiness, and that's all that this monster gives us. 

Having so seriously glorified the perspective of bad habits, which ones are we talking about? 

By no means are we in any process to categories or classify bad habits as to what is moderate, harmful and disastrous. A Bad Habit is a Bad Habit. What extent of harm it does is an individual judgement. 

We are discussing Individual productivity killers, habits that make the most competent individuals look bad. They keep them unhappy, stuck and make them do things they do not wish to do. While some of these habits can be unique and engross an individual, we shall consider the ten most commonly observed productivity killer habits.

1.    Postponing your goals.

"Overcoming procrastination begins with realising that you are doing it." So the fact is that you shall not even know of this bad habit unless you realise it. 

Procrastination is the habit of avoiding urgent tasks despite adverse consequences. Contrary to popular belief, procrastination is more than just laziness or poor time management. When it comes to procrastination, telling someone to "just do it" doesn't work. It would be like telling someone with clinical depression to "cheer up." It's a deeper problem but something you can work on and overcome.

People procrastinate for different reasons. Sometimes it results from too much pressure from family, maybe while growing up in a strict household. For example, expectations of high performance from the parents can make people put off projects out of fear of failure or criticisms. 

Others may avoid doing something as an act of rebellion. You fight back and reclaim your right to say, "No, you can't make me do that right now!" 

While I can list about 16 reasons why people procrastinate, I am sure there shall be many more. But a good reason to get rid of it is to identify your cause. 

Once you've identified your procrastination pattern, get the resources you need to start overcoming it. You can stop feeling bad about what you've put off — and start getting it done.

2.    Living a mediocre life.

Suppose You can't think of a single thing that you've accomplished that you are proud of. Yes, you have lived a mediocre life. While this might not be the aptest measurement parameter, but is an important one. You are afraid to stand out, crave validation, are so scared of what people will think, are afraid of failure, lazy, and so on, thus leading a mediocre life. 

Think if you had risked and done something extraordinary that could have helped even a handful of people, then what? So all you have to do is to Dream and make it happen. 

3.    Self-sabotaging.

This one is more like the "Imposter Syndrome", people with the collection of most inadequate opinions about success.  People who can mask feelings, procrastinate, or are afraid of any serious relationship are self-sabotaging themselves. Things that keep disrupting your growth, your success, or your happiness has to stop. 

Understanding the roots of self-sabotaging reasons may help you find fixes that will make our lives more successful.

4.    Running from your problems.

You are Opting for the easy way out, not acknowledging the problem or being outwardly optimistic,  that always all shall be good.   Anyone will rarely accomplish anything without a lot of work, which sometimes means suffering through tedious and uncomfortable things.

To face your problems courageously, you're going to have to accept that you aren't going to feel comfortable. It's not going to be an easy, happy, or pleasant process.

5.    Worrying about your flaws.

Everyone has flaws, but it's up to you whether you'll give them the power to keep you from doing what you want or, like martial arts, use their force to destroy them.

6.    Trying to control everything.

Perfectionism is a tell-tale sign of control problems, and Control is an illusion. If you try to control everything, you will quickly become frustrated and angry. Instead, remember the only thing you can reliably control is your reaction to the things going on around you and within you. Understand why you want Control. Whatever it is, address your underlying fears or emotions. Ask yourself: "What are you afraid to lose from letting go?"

7.    Blaming others.

Blaming others involves making someone else responsible for the choices and decisions that are our responsibility. As humans, it's our default to always look for a cause for something. We like to have narratives that explain why things happened to add these to our mental story of life. Rather than turning the light on ourselves or looking at the bigger picture and context, we can explain things more quickly and easily by attributing them to others.

There's no point trying to sweep something under the rug and then worrying about it being discovered. If you could accept responsibility in the first place and move on, all the better for it.

8.    Trying to be something you are not.

The worst thing you can do is try to mould yourself into something you're not or construct a disingenuous facade. You are you; what's right for someone might not be suitable for you. In a rare chance, it is, it's still not you. It's a replica, an impersonation. So, don't compare yourself to anyone else. Realise who you are and what you are capable of achieving. 

9.    Living in the past or the future.

Instead of focusing on the present, you're caught in a web of reflection and brooding, and only your past mistakes or Laurens seem to matter. S You are so engrossed in them that either you are wailing like a hokku monkey or singing your stories like a weaver bird, who shall sing for anything. 

And others are so optimistic about the future that they are less of the present. The future stores for them the king Judas touch, and they are the next ballooners in the making. 

In this ever-changing world where whatever got you where you are today isn't good enough to keep you there tomorrow, how can you live off your past in the hope of a great future. 

Focus now on the present moment and your happiness. Choosing to be positive will open you up to a happier life to succeed and achieve your goals.

10.  Constant complaining.

Have you heard, "It would be better if the gold had a little more glitter to it"?  This is an extreme example. But it's so close to people who complain about everything in life. They are in no way satisfied with what they have. They don't realise that. Over time, chronic complaining will destroy nearly any relationship. It eats away at it bit by bit in a romantic relationship as it upsets the normal balance between partners necessary for a healthy relationship. When you catch yourself complaining, take a moment to look around you in gratitude.

To be happy, change the way you think, stop being judgemental about people and situations. Accept reasonability, take care of yourself, and ask your self would you rather. Complain than be happy? 

Quit the habits that do not serve you that does not make you happy, and find the things that will make you happier and healthier in mind, body, and heart.

Jawahar Dhawan

Why Pigeonhole my writing to a genre when life’s chapters have many learning and hues.

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